Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Confessions of a daydreamer

Sometimes I lie in bed and imagine myself being murdered.

I imagine the different ways it could happen. The various people who might do it. Usually in rather vivid detail. Maybe that sounds strange, but I actually do it quite a lot. And in some weird sense, I think that’s me working.

I don’t think writers see the world like normal sane people. Writers are always looking for stories. Even in real life. Especially in real life. The more real the better. Even as real life is happening around you, as you’re in the very act of living it, feeling it. Even then there’s something in the back of your mind that’s quietly just watching. Taking notes. Observing your life like an outside party, looking for inspiration.

Writers live fantasy lives. I know I’ve lived my share. I’ve been married, single, a rock star, a starting outside linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers. I’ve been able to stop time. I’ve relived the past and visited alternate futures.

I don’t remember my dreams much anymore, and even when I did and wrote them down in a dream diary, I don’t think I ever got much of anything useful from them. But daydreams are another matter.

Some people might tell you that nothing useful can come of daydreams. Of wondering around in a daze, wrapped up in your own head, letting your imagination run wild. That it’s a waste of time.

But without daydreaming, I wouldn’t have a job.

Writing isn’t just the act of typing. For me, most of the heavy lifting is done before I ever even sit down at the laptop, before I ever get to the point of actually putting words on paper. The real work is done in my head. Bouncing ideas around. Chasing down different narrative leads to see where they take me. Little by little building a framework for whatever sort of story I’m going to tell. 

In other words, daydreaming.

Now of course, if you never get to the point of actually putting words on paper, then I suppose you’re just a dreamer and not that much of a writer. 

But on the other hand, if you’re sitting down to write without first having done a lot of work in your own headspace, without having wondered around your house for a while in a daze or zoned out at work, imagining all manner of weirdness and mumbling bits of dialogue to yourself like a crazy person…

Then I’d say you’re just not working hard enough.

November 2012

July 31

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Ice Cream Bulletin Board

This is the my new bulletin board in the hallway directly outside my room.

I have seen this bulletin board on Pinterest a few times. I first noticed it posted from Mrs. King's Music Room. The use of the National Standards really caught my attention.

I quickly researched and found that the Ice Cream Scoops are available for free download at this link: http://

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Getting Ready . . .

Today I went back to school to begin getting my classroom ready. I had a little helper. My 2 yr old daughter seemed to love the Boomwhackers and Lollipop drums the most.

Sure, it looks like a mess, but my Boomwhacker organization system made it easy for my toddler to clean up her own mess. I placed one of each color in the correct slots and she matched the rest of the colors. I love

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

To Stop the Train

To Stop The Train is an easy round for children to learn. It can be found on page 280 of Arvida Steen's "Exploring Orff: A Teacher's Guide." Arvida suggests adding movement to visually enhance the round, although she doesn't describe any specific gestures. 

Dr. Robert Amchin, head of the music education department at the University of Louisville, has often included this round in his

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Flipchart Download: Welcome Back Class

For several years, I have used this unit with my 4th and 5th graders to review the musical elements, notation, and get them ready for the school year. I have recently uploaded the flipchart to Promethean Planet, but you could totally teach this lesson even if you did not have an interactive white board. (I taught this unit for a couple years before we ever had this technology!) A few of the

Senin, 16 Juli 2012


Here is a small samp of a cell from my upcoming graphic novel 'Lucia'

Flipchart Download: Apple Tree, Apple Tree

Another flipchart is available for free download. This flipchart features the game song "Apple Tree, Apple Tree." A preview of each slide can be found on Promethean Planet. 

Introductory Activity

First, students see stick notation and count rhythms. Then, students get to drag the whole apple and apple slices to make iconic notation representing quarter notes and eighth note pairs. Students

Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Interactive Music Flipcharts

In May, I blogged about Technology In the Music Classroom. I talked about many wonderful tools we acquired during a construction renovation, including the interactive white boards. We have Promethean ActivBoards which run on ActivInspire Software. In this post, I will share some flipcharts that I have submitted to Promethean Planet and are available for free download. There are brief

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Once Upon a Musical Pair

As we are approaching the end of the summer, I thought some of you may be examining your wishlists and ordering new materials for your classroom. I thought I would share some recommendations.

I absolutely love these 2 books:

"Once Upon a Folk Tale" and "Once Upon a Mountain Tale" by Linda Rockwell High and Carol Kindt. 

They are each $14.50 at They are each $15.95 at

Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Treble Clef Candy Cane Ornaments

Since I've been seeing all the "Christmas In July" advertisements on television commercials, I thought I would blog about something I made for my choir and Orff kids at Christmas time.

As I was driving home that evening after our Christmas concert, I was overwhelmed with pride and joy. My students had performed amazingly and I felt compelled to do something for them. The concert was on a

Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Sygic Aura Navigator v11.2.6 apk + Base Files + Maps

Bagi yang takut nyasar, yang segan untuk membeli GPS, kini hadir bagi pengguna handphone ANDROID, SYGIC + map indonesia adalah aplikasi GPS offline untuk hp android, bisa digunakan tanpa koneksi internet, atau tanpa pulsa sedikit pun,
untuk gambar tampilannyapun sangat menarik, berbentuk tampilan 3D

Sygic 11.02 + map : File APK dan Data SD lengkapnya :                                                         

  • Sygic 11.02 + Indonesia Map  for android.part1.rar - 95.78 MB : part 1
  • Sygic 11.02 + Indonesia Map  for android .part2.rar - 95.78 MB : part 2
  • Sygic 11.02 + Indonesia Map  for android .part3.rar - 30.5 MB : part 3

Download Terpisah
SygicNavigator 11.2.6.apk 5.94 MB
Base Files with English Voices & TTS 239.45 MB
Base Files with Multi-language Voices & TTS 345.2 MB
PC Map and Base File Downloader 1.25 MB

Prosedur Instalasi
  1. Download dan install file apk
  2. Download file database dan file Maps
  3. Ekstrak dan copy file 'Aura' (file database) ke SDCard kamu
  4. Ekstrak file Maps, copy dan paste ke folder /aura/maps
  5. Jika ada perintah untuk 'Activate' jangan dipilih.
  6. Jika ada perintah untuk memasukkan email dan password silahkan mengisi atau tidak (optional). Langkah tersebut hanya untuk mendapatkan fitur-fitur Sygic lain seperti 'weather' dan sebagainya.
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