Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

Free Books on Mathematical Physics VII



  1. Entropy on the World Wide Web
  2. Entropy of Compact Group Automorphisms by Thomas Ward
  3. Valuations and Hyperbolicity in Dynamics by Thomas Ward
  4. Effective Hamiltonians and averaging for Hamiltonian dynamics by Lawrence Craig Evans
  5. Entropy and Partial Differential Equations by Lawrence Craig Evans
  6. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM CHAOS by Predrag Cvitanovic', Roberto Artuso, Ronnie Mainieri, Gregor Tanner, Gábor Vattay, Niall Whelan, and Andreas Wirzba
  7. Dynamical systems by Shlomo Sternberg

Quantum Mechanics

  1. Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics by Gerald Teschl
  2. Quantum Mechanics by Klaus Schulten
  3. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics & Quantum Information by M.B. Plenio
  4. Quantum Geometry and more by Micho Durdevich
  5. Quantum Probability Theory by Miklos Redei, and Stephen J. Summers

Quantum Field Theory

  1. Comprehensive textbook on quantum (and classical) field theory by Warren Siegel
  2. Quantum Field Theory by Ben Simons
  3. Mathematical ideas and notions of quantum field theory by Pavel Etingof
  4. Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory by Irving E. Segal, Zhengfang Zhou, and John C. Baez
  5. Quantum Field Theory program at IAS by Irving E. Segal, Zhengfang Zhou, and John C. Baez
  6. Graduate textbooks: Field Theory, Relativity, Superspace, Strings by Warren Siegel
  7. What is String Theory by Joseph Polchinski
  8. Fluctuating Geometries in Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory
  9. Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Vol I by Ola Bratteli
  10. Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Vol II by Ola Bratteli
  11. D-Brane Primer by Clifford V. Johnson
  12. Introduction to Superstring Theory by Elias Kiritsis
  13. Algebraic Quantum Field Theory by Hans Halvorson, and Michael Mueger

Condensed Matter

Special and General Relativity


  1. Essential Physics 1 by Frank Firk
  2. Introduction to Groups, Invariants & Particles by Frank W.K. Firk
  3. Classical Electrodynamics by Bo Thidé
  4. Classical electrodynamics and theory of relativity by Ruslan Sharipov
  5. Electromagnetic Theory and Computation: A Topological Approach by Paul W. Gross, and P. Robert Kotiuga
  6. MOTION MOUNTAIN TEXTBOOK Hiking beyond space and time along the concepts of modern physics by Christoph Schiller
  7. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by J. Karl Johnson
  8. Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics by Klaus Schulten
  9. Course in Electrodynamics by Franz Wegner
  10. Light and Matter by Ben Crowell
  11. Order-of-magnitude-physics by Sanjoy Mahajan
  12. Physical Applications of Geometric Algebra by Anthony Lasenby, and Chris Doran
  13. Group Theory: Lie's, Tracks, And Exceptional Groups by Predrag Cvitanovic'
  14. An Elementary Introduction to Groups and Representations by Brian C. Hall
  15. Geometric Models for Noncommutative Algebras by A. Cannas da Silva, and A. Weinstein
  16. Differential Forms in Electromagnetic Theory by Richard H. Selfridge, David V. Arnold, and Karl F. Warnick
  17. Lectures on integration of several variables by Michael Adler
  18. Methods of Mathematical Physics by Mark Trodden
  19. Further Mathematical Methods by Niels Walet
  20. Computational Physics by Angus MacKinnon
  21. Zeno meets modern science by Zurab K. Silagadze
  22. Feynman's derivation of Maxwell equations and extra dimensions by Zurab K. Silagadze
  23. TeV scale gravity, mirror universe, and ... dinosaurs by Zurab K. Silagadze
  24. Quick introduction to tensor analysis by Ruslan Sharipov
  25. Traveling Wave Solutions of Parabolic Systems by Aizik I. Volpert, Vitaly A. Volpert, and Vladimir A. Volpert

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