Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Summer Maker Special: Fairy Gardens and Toad Abodes

Teeny tiny habitats for wee folk and other garden inhabitants.

What we made:  Fairy Gardens (also known as Toad Abodes or Gnome Houses)

-base containers (I used mostly old cake and pie tins that I picked up at a local thrift shop.  Plastic storage containers, large plastic take-out containers and sturdy shoe boxes might also work.)
-potting soil
-paint & brushes
-string and fishing line
-hot glue gun
-plants (a variety, some purchased, others donated by friends with overflowing flowerbeds.  Petite plants work best, mosses and small succulents are perfectly suited for this project.)
-stuff from nature:  shells, stones, twigs, sticks, pinecones, etc.
(more supplies listed after the jump!)

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