Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Network Switcher (formerly Net Profile Switch) 7.0.11

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Network Switcher (formerly Net Profile Switch)Network Switcher (formerly Net Profile Switch) torrent

Torrent Size: 810 mb

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Version: 7.0.11
Category: Tweak|Network Tweak
Developer: JitBit Software
Size: 810 mb


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Review: Information on advanced Windows program developed to help users access and manage multiple network settings on the trip. Specially designed for computer users who connect to the network with different settings Similarly, information on offers plenty of configuration options, all designed to helps, R fully certain pattern. First of all, you are prompted to input information network, including All modifications, the MAC, IP address configuration server DNS. WHAT? More information on the net allows you to install a browser proxy settings and our website for the network, but the rules Windows Firewall, select the mapped network drive and shares, set the VPN and dial-up accounts. The project? S GUI is based on the band, which means that you can easily access the screen you need, without Spend too much time setting up each character The aforementioned. When you have created a profile, you can easily jump from configuration to another by double clicking on the The windows in the main program or by simply right clicking on the icon The system tray. Last but not least, Switch Data Net allows users to backup and restore files to and from school, just to make sure your information is About B; The rocks all the time. Manual assistance is also available for those who want more information about the features building specific. All in all, the information on the net is certainly a great deal of network Install and update a few here and there and it easily can become productive table top. Support hotkeys to quickly go from one format to another, and other improvements will help always.

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