Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Loving Face Wallpaper | Delhi Girl Wallpaper | Mohabbat Wallpaper

Loving Face Wallpaper, Delhi Girl Wallpaper,Mohabbat Wallpaper

Loving Face Wallpaper

Loving Face Wallpaper

Loving Face Wallpaper

 Delhi Girl Wallpaper

Delhi Girl Wallpaper

 Delhi Girl Wallpaper

Mohabbat Wallpaper

Mohabbat Wallpaper
Mohabbat Wallpaper


Please Tell Me Your Name

Baby, like the sweet of the rain, it makes me wondering, could it be a love ?

The desire in the flows of the wind,
Searching a source of life in its direction,
Where a sureness in the promises of love,
Hold it once but it loose,
Baby, please tell me your name,
Like splashing water over a hope,
You know, I like your eyes,
Whenever it blink over dreams,
Where you and me are one,
In the eternity of love.

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