Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Simple Cute Angel Wallpapers | Pink Lips & Blue Eyes| Cute Angel | Horse Wallpapers

Simple Cute Angel Wallpapers,Pink Lips & Blue Eyes,Cute Angel Wallpapers, Horse Wallpapers

Simple Cute Angel Wallpapers

Simple Cute Angel Wallpapers

Simple Cute Angel Wallpapers

I know I have an angelShe was sent from heaven above
To protect me everyday
And give me lots of love
she there when I'm lonely
she sits by me when I cry
she encourages me when I'm down
and makes me want to try

Pink Lips & Blue Eyes

Pink Lips & Blue Eyes

Pink Lips & Blue Eyes

I loved the way you stared at me, looking deep into my eyes.
I loved the way you smiled at me, showing those pearly whites.
I loved the way the way you talked to me , your voice sounding so pure.
I loved how I told you everything, this I know for sure.
I loved the way we got competitive, when we played those computer games,
I loved how we spent all year together, and you never not once changed.
Yes, sometimes you had your moods, but they never lasted long, 
I always cheered you up, because we always got along.
I loved everything about you in every possible way 
and the truth is I'm still in love today

Cute Angel Wallpapers

Cute Angel Wallpapers

Cute Angel Wallpapers


Love how you always understand
I love it when you hold my hand 
I love it when you make me smile 
And how you never make me cry.

I love how we can talk for hours
And how the smallest kiss has so much 

I love the silly things you say 
I love that you always brighten my day
I love the random things you do.

I guess what I'm tryin' to say is...
I love you!!!

 Horse Wallpapers

Horse Wallpapers

Horse Wallpapers

When I first met you
I didn't know what to say
But when I got to know you
Everything went okay

At first we were confused
but later we found out
that we both were abused
when we really needed out

I told you how I felt
and you did the same
But look at us now
with our hearts now in tame

I wish I had told you
but I kept it a secret
That I really do love you
And you won't be a regre

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